Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Leadership can do #10 Excellence.

Last week I helped out in the juniors run, jump, throw. I have been help the kids get prepared for the run, jump, throw I have been teaching them how they stand and how to start before a race. on the run, jump, throw day I was walking around all the stations and helping the teachers run activities and help kids do their best. I ended up getting some pozis from the office to hand out to some students that were doing their best. the way I showed leadership was be lending a helping hand to the teachers that needed it and the care value I showed was respect by cheering on all the kids instead of just one and making another kid fell left out.

Leadership can do #9 Excellence.

Near the end of last week we had this person from the ccc (Christchurch City Council) come in and talk to as. earlier on we visited the ccc and were given and choice to chose a follow up to help the community we chose to paint a chorus box and so val talked to us about the rules and how the process will be done.

I showed the care value community and the leadership trait trustworthy because we are thinking up an idea that will help the community and we are being trusted to do the job well.

Leadership can do #8 Excellence.

Yesterday at technology (I am in textiles and design) I made a pom pom with Natasha, the pom pom is teal and is fluffy, we have made three but they have all failed. The reason for them failing is because of the material it is made out of, after you cut the material it flakes and falls apart. I suggest if you are going to make a pom pom you should use some knitting yarn or something like that. The leadership trait I showed was resilience. I showed this by not giving up when it fell apart and trying to find new ways to fix the problem. the care value I showed was active thinking by trying to find new ways, and asking for help when I couldn't do something. 

Leadership can do #7

At koru games I played volleyball, I was captain of the A team and had the responsibility of having my group ready at the right place and at there at the right time. We ended up coming 6th witch is better then last year. The way I showed leadership was by leading my group, being resilient when we were losing points and by having good sports men ship when we did lose to anther school. the school/team that got first was st annes.

Leadership can do #6 Excellence.

Last Friday I helped out in the hall to get everything set up for the quiz night. first me and Natasha were told to go get some tables from other class rooms. This task was hard as the tables were very heavy and wouldn't fit though some doors. We showed resilience by continuing and not complaining.

Leadership Must do #5 Excellence.

On Friday after morning tea me and Katie went around counting and collecting pozis it took a bit longer because none of the classes had counted the pozis, but me and Katie stayed positive, resilient and goal focused and counted all the pozis no matter what.