Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Monday, 26 June 2017
Careers Education C.V. Writing
In CAREERS EDUCATION we have been learning to write a skills based Curriculum Vitae.
A skills based C.V. focuses more on the skills that we have, rather than our work history.
Here is a link to our online modeling book that shows the process we have followed.
Three things that I have learned about writing a Curriculum Vitae are:
It needs to be short and to the point.
It need to be tidy and organized.
If it has spelling mistakes most employees will throw it in the bin.
Here is a link to my Skills based Curriculum Vitae.
A skills based C.V. focuses more on the skills that we have, rather than our work history.
Here is a link to our online modeling book that shows the process we have followed.
Three things that I have learned about writing a Curriculum Vitae are:
It needs to be short and to the point.
It need to be tidy and organized.
If it has spelling mistakes most employees will throw it in the bin.
Here is a link to my Skills based Curriculum Vitae.
Assessment task: Investigate situations that involve elements of chance by comparing experimental distributions with expectations from models of the possible outcomes, acknowledging variation and independence.
Assessment task: Investigate situations that involve elements of chance by comparing experimental distributions with expectations from models of the possible outcomes, acknowledging variation and independence.
Question 1:
Show your working and answer here (you may need to add a photo of a tree diagram you frew on your little whiteboard):
beath vs aroha, beath won
------------- beath vs delsey, beath won.
Connie vs delsey, delsey won
Question 2:
Car number plates in the land of Automobile have two letters and two digits. How many different number plates could be made using two letters and two digits?
Show your working and answers here:
26 x 2 = 52
-------------- 52 x 20 = 1,040
10 x 2 = 20
Question 3:

Show your working and answer here:
4x4= 16
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Excellence leadership badge can do #2
Today at tech we made these sausage sizzle things and they were really good. I was in a group with Mel and Tash. On the bus I was taking to Natasha because she was sitting next to me; the bus was kind of loud because everyone was excited to talk about what they did for their first rotation. The care value I showed was respect by trying to keep my voice low so that people could hear each other. The Leadership trait I showed was Active thinker because I was thinking about other people and not just myself.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Excellence Post Must do #2
Today we had a bake sale And I helped pack it up. we got about $9,000; We also had to share pozi's in assembly. The slide was wrong when it came to the third placing. It said and tied in third is... and that was last weeks draw; so we were resilient and said in third place is... The care value I showed during the bake sale was excellence by helping the others to pack up. and then I was able to see my friends after. The leader ship traits that I showed were trustworthy and resilience by being trusted to put the table were it needed to go, and the way I showed resilience was by changing the words when I need to for the slide.
Friday, 9 June 2017
Use a range of multiplicative strategies when operating on whole numbers.
This is what we had to do for the extended abstract task. At the bottom are my answers.
Use a range of multiplicative strategies when operating on whole numbers
I can apply the strategy to problem solving questions
The escape
A prisoner sits in his cell planning his escape. The prisoner is kept in by 5 laser beams, which operate along a corridor. Each laser is switched off at a specific time interval for just long enough to allow a person to walk through. The time between being switched off for each laser is shown below:
- Laser One = every 3 minutes
- Laser Two = every 2 minutes
- Laser Three = every 5 minutes
- Laser Four = every 4 minutes
- Laser Five = every 1 minutes
The guard patrols and checks the prisoner each time all the laser beams are off simultaneously. Because each laser only switches off for a short time the prisoner knows he can only get past one laser at a time. He has to get past the five lasers from 1 to 5 in order. Laser One is at the entrance of the prisoner’s cell and laser Five is at the door to the outside. He also knows that if he spends longer than 4 minutes 12 seconds in the corridor an alarm will go off.
Can the prisoner escape without the alarm in the corridor going off?
I came to more than one answer it is just about what strategy you used.
- He can't do it because he spends to long in the corridor
- He can't because the guard will come to check on him because he comes when all lasers are off and 3+2=5 and 4+1=5 as well so the guard would come at laser 3.
- He might also be able to get through all and then have 12 seconds to run from the guard (unless guard is fit then he will catch the prisoner unless he has a getaway car waiting.)
- Etc.
If he can escape, how many minutes should he wait before passing Laser One?
None he can go once the first laser has gone because it is right in front of his cell entrance so he can act like he is just standing around until the laser turns off.
How much time will he have after passing Laser Five before the guard raises the alarm?
- He will have 12 seconds to run
- It depends if he even gets to laser five
- It also depends on how long the guard takes.
Friday, 2 June 2017
Excellence Can do #1
Yesterday I went to technology. On the bus I sat with Natasha and at tech we decided that we wanted to make a pillow together but we wanted one each so we cut out 4 pieces of this fluffy fabric and got two pieces each then we sow them together. When I went to sow it I forgot to go back and then forward so I had to get this tool were you get it under the thread and pull it out but it was really hard to do because the fabric was fluffy. So I showed resilience by asking the teacher for help and not giving up when it was really hard. The care value I showed was respect because when the teacher was busy I dint call out her name.
Excellence must do #1
Yesterday we went to the .c.c.c. building (Christchurch, city, council.) we learned about how they make decisions about where their money goes and we also got to plan an event were we had a budget and had to meet it or below. we also learnt about what the .c.c.c. does/owns/runs I learnt that they have 7 departments that all look after stuff e.g water and lands that are special to Christchurch, building checks, looking after parks and other stuff. we also went into the council chamber, were I was a person from the press. we also had an activity were we (Natasha, Sophie & I) had an event to plan. We had a budget of $9,000. We went for a small event wears others went for a big event.
I can evaluate writers’ purposes and consider how they have used structure and language to suit these purposes. (Eg: I can make decisions about why the writer has written a piece of writing and how they have used particular structures and words to meet the purpose.
Assessment: I can evaluate writer's purposes and consider how they have used structure and language to suit these purposes. (Eg: I can make decisions about why the writer has written a piece of writing and how they have used particular structures and words to meet the purpose.)
Name: Choose 3 out of the following texts:
L5 Author’s Purpose follow up
I can describe the author's purpose in relation to structure and language choices in a text and give relevant evidence (eg vocabulary used)
I can compare and contrast differences in the author's purpose in relation to structure and language choices between different texts.
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The author’s purpose is…
Inform people that there is an artificial sun.
The specific language/ structure choices that the author has made to support their purpose are...
They have used technical language because the author is most likely aiming at researchers, scientists or people who are interested in reading stuff like this.
Specific language choices in the 3 texts:
Structure of the 3 texts:
The World will end, said the cat, World’s Largest Artificial Sun and Laundry Folding Robot have pictures to help show what they are talking about.
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The author’s purpose is…
Is to inform people that there is a laundry folding robot somewhere in the world.
The specific language/ structure choices that the author has made to support their purpose are...
They have used technical language because they are most likely getting their facts and information from researchers, scientists or the people who invented it. So they are using technical language so that other researchers, scientists or people understand.
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The author’s purpose is…
To entertain people when there
The specific language/ structure choices that the author has made to support their purpose are..
They have used emotive language to make the reader fell what the characters are feeling.
Is to entertain people so they are using Emotive language
World’s Largest Artificial Sun and Laundry Folding Robot also have videos but The World will end, said the cat doesn't.
Level 5 - Author's’ Purpose Map
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I can describe the author’s purpose in a text
I can identify several features of the author’s purpose
The author’s purpose is…
The point of view is…
The intended audience is...
I can identify several features of the author’s purpose; and explain giving relevant examples and evidence.
What does it say in the text to show you that:
The author’s purpose is…
P? I? E?
1.The fact that the Dionaea muscipula, or Venus flytrap, feeds on unsuspecting insects by luring them into its jaw-like leaves with sweet-smelling nectar has been known for centuries.
2.the process begins when the insect lands on the trap. If it just touches the sensory hair on the leaves once, nothing happens. The smart plant knows that this could be the result of the wind or a raindrop.
3.It is only when the unsuspecting creature triggers the sensory hair a second time that it gets trapped inside the leaf.
The point of view is…
3rd person.
1.What they noticed
2.However, scientists thought
3.they had assumed
The intended audience is...
1.The researchers, who published their findings in the scientific journal
2.The scientists believe the large amount of energy required to break down the insect’s proteins cannot be supplied by traditional photosynthesis alone.
3.In 2016, Rainer Hedrich, a biophysicist at the University of Würzburg, discovered that the Venus flytrap does not waste energy
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I can generalise about the author’s point of view
Overall authors use certain languages to catch the attention of other readers and they also use .P.I.E. to catch the eye/attention of different year/age range and readers. Because if you were 20 year old you most likely wouldn't like to read a book about fairies and pirates.
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