Monday, 23 March 2015

Run bike run

On Friday me and My team went to run bike run and...
We came 7th place 

Who was what in the race...

The 1st runner in the race was hailey 

And the biker was me 
And the second runner was wariesha 
And it was really hard for the biker because they basically had to bike around 4 Fields 

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


We are learning about bar graphs and we had to do a bar graph of the hole class 
And this is what my bar graph looks like I 
My bar graph is about what favourite tv show do you like the most this is the result.

Friday, 13 March 2015

My research

We have been learning about 
Komodo dragon and we had to write
10 facts about it

This is 1fact about it

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Room 10 2015

 Three things I have enjoyed so far have been...

1. S.M.L because it is not boring because you don't have to do one thing 

2. Animal survival because it is very hard and there is lots of running in the game 

3.  K.O.S because it is very important to keep safe and it is very interesting to learn how to keep are self's safe